Sunday, 23 March 2014

Vehicle Development

I've recently started the beginnings of my vehicle development for my art book. 

Right now I don't really have anything to show aside from some line sketches that I made in photoshop which I'll be colouring in and making look more derelict and post apocalyptic. The bus for example, will have an SOS banner draped across the side and will have flat tires and ivy beginning to crawl along it.

Quad bikes will be a reoccurring mode of transportation for the characters in the game so its important I make a few variations of these vehicles, from reasonably new untouched ones to ones that can be fixed and ones that are completely wrecked. It should be fun designing different kinds.

In areas where there is water or when characters are near the open ocean I was considering designing jet skis for them to use. The characters could use these to get to islands for special items or to simply get away from the infected and wait it out in the sea until it was safe to come back to shore.

This is a car that I've almost finished doing the lines for, like the bus I'll be colouring it and making it look much more run down and broken as if its been used in attempted escapes. I was thinking of drawing a corpse inside of it hanging out of the front window.

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